Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back to School.....

Alas back to school has a arrived. After swim lessons and sports camps students line up outside in their new shoes and shiny book bags in order to start a new year of learning and growth. Or, if you are a teacher/administrator, to start a new year of budget cuts, angry parents and ballooning class sizes. Just as its important to start every day with an intention, it is also a good time to start a school year off with an intention. The cacophony of politics and opinions can often be so loud in education that it may cloud your perception of what exactly it is you are trying to accomplish. I'm going to take this first week of school to embrace the dynamic nature and events of a school system and set a goal of what I want to accomplish this year. Whether its being more organized, staying motivated, or remaining patient in the face of adversity, I'm going to set this intention as a "north star" for my year.

Taking a moment to ground yourself and set an intention helps you to be confident in your actions and prevents you from straying from your path (which you ultimately created). Remembering this each morning before students and staff come hurling through those school doors will not only help you stay in the moment, but will also provide peace and steadfastness in moments of stress.

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